Submit Design

Lightbox sign with the text 'TURN IDEAS INTO REALITY' on a wooden surface by a window.

Bring Your Idea to Life, and Get Paid to Do So.

Idea Submission

One of the reasons this company was started was because the founder would find a garment or brand that he liked, but he couldn’t find everything he wanted in one company, he also had a lot of ideas for garment design that he thought would be very popular, but there was no way to express that to the brand and get any kind of serious response. In our goal of creating a community-driven brand, we want our customers, or future customers to have an outlet where they can submit their ideas. If the idea fits the ethos of the company and makes it to our product page, they will receive a percentange of all garments sold with this design. So not only do they get the garment they want, they don’t have to go through the full design process, production or do any of the work necessary to bring an idea to a finished product. And because it was their idea, we want to reward them for taking the time to submit this and have faith in our brand to produce their design.

Take a Leap of Faith.

It all begins with an idea. But some ideas are difficult to make into a reality, so we are here to help you with that. When you click on the “Design Submission Idea” you will see that you can start from just a basic idea in your head all the way to providing the necessary documentation to start the production run in relatively quick order. Or anywhere in between.

Just as the Founder thought he had good ideas that customers would like and pay for, he knew he was not the only one. So he wanted to provide the service that he wished he had while shopping. To make it even better, you will receive a percentage of the sales of all garments sold with your design idea. The complete the idea, the higher the percentage, but even at the most basic design idea level, we want to reward you for taking the leap of faith to try it. Our slogan is to “Inspire Yourself to Be Great”, and we want it to mean more than just a phrase, we want to embody the statement.